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decorative bark

Hart of Eden decorative bark

100% British

90% of particles 8-35mm

Minimal dust and fines

White wood content no greater than 15%

Bulk density typically 250-350kg/m3

pH range 4.5-5.5

Fire-resistant, in accordance with BS 4790:1987, ideal in areas of fire risk

Free from methyl bromide, pathogens, pests and weed seeds

Free of all foreign matter *

* Whilst all practical measures are taken to remove foreign matter such as metal, glass and plastic we cannot guarantee the complete absence of all extraneous material. The total amount will not exceed 0.1% by weight.


Decorative Bark is a long-lasting, natural product. It can be used as ornamental ground cover for beds and borders, and it provides a clean visual background that will showcase flowers and foliage when used as a mulch. As well as making gardens look attractive, it can help suppress weeds and retain soil moisture during dry spells.


The rich colour of Decorative Bark provides an attractive backdrop to plants and shrubs, giving a neat and finished appearance to beds and borders.



Spread Decorative Bark to a depth of 25mm (1″); 50mm (2″) is required for effective weed suppression. Raking over will help give a more even appearance. Leave a gap of approximately 25mm - 50mm (1″-2″) between the bark and base of the plant to protect delicate plants.